Quality control


The correctness of works and tests is supervised by our staff of the quality control department, whose competences have been confirmed by the most important units in Poland, including UDT-CERT, IS Gliwice.

Quality control is responsible for the proper conduct of tests and inspections in the scope indicated in the standards, regulations and technical specifications aimed at confirming that the device has been manufactured, modernized or repaired correctly and does not pose any threats during proper operation, in accordance with the instructions.

Basic quality control activities include:


1. Performing visual examinations using the direct method, e.g. weld gauges, callipers, etc. as well as an indirect one using a video endoscope.


2. Conducting penetration tests using ready-made detecting preparations, i.e. remover, penetrant, developer from reputable suppliers.


3. Performing other destructive and non-destructive tests, identification of materials in cooperation with qualified laboratories.


4. Measurements of surface roughness after grinding, after abrasive blasting, flange faces.


5. Performing basic measurements of flatness, straightness, circularity, ovality, shape.


6. Checking the degree of corrosion before cleaning and the degree of surface preparation before anti-corrosion protection.


7. Measurements of the thickness of anti-corrosion protection.